Chronixie (Relaxed Party Mode)

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  • #1341

    Hi ! I have used the latest code of Vanessa 2.02 and changed it a little to my taste. I found that the party mode came too often…

    I made the party mode go on now every 1st , 4th and 7th minute…
    So the clock is not too much attention seeking and distracting 😉

    I also changed the that the 3 last effects are turned off – They were too disturbing to me. I have not erased the code it jumps just back to the selection. I have labled my changes – I also have turned down the „volume“ (brightness) on the party modules because my clock ist mostly in a dark surrounding and if the party mode activates it would be too bright.
    I also shortend some of the party modules so they are not that long…

    maybe someone else likes to have a relaxed party mode chronixie… I share my code here for you:

    ' *********************************************
    ' *      LED-NIXIE Clock Demo                 *
    ' *  LED-Basic >= 15.1.15 required            *
    ' *  Original Version of Vanessa Ver. 2.02    *
    ' *  partially from Doug's ver.D1.02          *
    ' *  partially from Jon's ver.J2.02           *
    ' *  Relaxed Partymode by TweakerRay          *
    ' *********************************************
    ' Operations manual:
    ' On startup, the display shows the software version for approx. 2 seconds.
    ' To reset to factory defaults: as soon as the software version number displays,
    ' press and hold the button until unit beeps.
    ' Usage:
    ' Turn the knob to adjust the display colour.(0-9 solid colour, 10 white, 11 incandecent,
    ' 12-14 multi colour). Short press knob to switch between Clock and Date display,
    ' Changing display also ensures colour setting is saved when restarting.
    ' Date display automatically returns to clock display after approx. 3 seconds.
    ' Long press spinner button during time display to enter settings menu (white).
    ' Long press button during date display to enter the system menu (blue).
    ' Turn knob to choose an option, short press to select, long press to exit.
    ' After 4 seconds inactivity, the unit returns to display mode
    '               (without saving changes).
    ' Settings menu (white):
    ' Setting 0: beeper on / off (default 1)
    '                0 = off
    '                1 = on
    ' Setting 1: 12 / 24 hour clock display (default 24)
    '                12 = 12 hour clock
    '                24 = 24 hour clock
    ' Setting 2: Set the time (24 hour clock)
    '                Short press changes between hours, minutes, seconds
    '                long press saves the time
    ' Setting 3: Date format display (default 0)
    '                0 = DDMMYY
    '                1 = MMDDYY
    '                2 = YYMMDD
    ' Setting 4: Set the date
    '                Short press changes between days, months, years
    '                long press saves the date
    ' Setting 5: Alarm on / off (default 0)
    '                0 = off
    '                1 = on
    ' Setting 6: Set alarm time (24 hour clock, default 12:00)
    '                Short press changes between hours and minutes
    '                Long press saves the alarm time
    ' Setting 7: Auto date display on / off (default 0)
    '                0 = off
    '                1 = on
    ' Setting 8: Timer (max 23:59:00)
    '                Short press changes between hours and minutes
    '                Long press sets timer duration
    '                Then short press to start / stop timer
    '                To exit, long press whilst timer stopped
    ' Setting 9: Stopwatch (max 23:59:59)
    '                Short press to start / stop stopwatch
    '                To exit, long press whilst stopwatch stopped
    ' System menu (blue):
    ' System 0: adjust brightness (default 12)
    '                1..15 = brightness level,
    '                0 = automatic brightness (set using sensor)
    ' System 1: Minimum brightness for auto brightness (default 2)
    '                0...15 = minimum brightness (no brightness level)
    ' System 2: Time correction offset faster or slower (default 1)
    '                0 = slower offset
    '                1 = faster offset
    ' System 3: set Time offset n cycles per 32 sek. (default 0)
    '                0...510 = Offset in cycles per 32 sek.
    ' System 4: Party Mode On / Off (default 0)
    '                0 = off
    '                1 = on
    ' System 5: Slot machine mode on / off (default 0)
    '                0 = off
    '                1 = on
    ' System 6: Second flipping mode on / off (default 0)
    '                0 = off
    '                1 = on
    ' System 7: Digit fade mode (default 3)
    '                1..5 = digit fade duration
    '                0 = off
    ' All settings remain in case of power failure (EEPROM).
    ' The alarm is prioritised over the timer and stopwatch.
    ' Slot machine mode: at 4, 8, 14, 18, 24... minutes past the hour, LEDs are lit
    ' at random for 10 seconds.
    ' Party mode: every other minute (01, 03, 05...), one of 7 "party 'displays" at
    ' random are shown for a few seconds.
    ' Second flipping mode: flipping from '9' to '0', the seconds display
    ' cycles through 9...8...7... ...0. If on, Fade mode has no function !
    ' When alarm is On, alarm time displays twice every ten minutes (minutes 02, 06,
    ' 12, 16, 22...) in red.
    ' Fade mode: Digits are fading depending on value. NOT working when Second flipping
    ' mode is on !
    ' If connected to a PC running LED-Basic, the current EEPROM values are
    ' displayed on the screen at program start for debugging purposes.
    ### L60 CGRB P0 S2 M92 F40
    ' Set initial EEPROM state (for testing, uncomment to set on run)
    '    IO.eewrite(1, 11)            ' 1 = Time Colour      (11)
    '    IO.eewrite(2, 5)             ' 2 = Date Colour       (5)
    '    IO.eewrite(3, 1)             ' 3 = Beep              (1)
    '    IO.eewrite(4, 12)            ' 4 = Brightness       (12)
    '    IO.eewrite(5, 0)             ' 5 = Alarm             (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(6, 12)            ' 6 = Alarm Hour       (12)
    '    IO.eewrite(7, 0)             ' 7 = Alarm Minute      (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(8, 0)             ' 8 = Auto Date Display (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(9, 0)             ' 9 = Party Mode        (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(10, 0)            ' 10 = Time Offset      (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(11, 1)            ' 11 = Time Offset +/-  (1)
    '    IO.eewrite(12, 2)            ' 12 = Min Auto Bright  (2)
    '    IO.eewrite(13, 0)            ' 13 = Slot Machine     (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(14, 1)            ' 14 = 24 Hour Clock    (1)
    '    IO.eewrite(15, 0)            ' 15 = Seconds flip     (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(16, 0)            ' 16 = Date format      (0)
    '    IO.eewrite(17, 3)            ' 17 = Digits fade      (3)
    ' Nixie Digit Index
    10: data 5, 0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4
    ' Colour Index (0..14)
    20: data 5, 20, 50, 90, 130, 160, 200, 260, 300, 340, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
    ' Brightness Table
    30: data 0, 3, 6, 9, 16, 25, 37, 51, 68, 87, 109, 133, 160, 189, 221, 255
    ' Music Timer / Stopwatch max :-)
    40: data 13, 200, 15, 200, 17, 200, 13, 200, 13, 200, 15, 200, 17, 200, 13,
        data 200, 17, 200, 18, 200, 20, 400, 17, 200, 18, 200, 20, 400
    '   alternate uk version
    '40: data 15, 15, 15, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22
    '    data 27, 25, 0, 0, 20, 22, 0, 0, 32, 30, 27, 30, 0, 0, 37
        led.ihsv(0, 0,   0,   0)  'off
        led.ihsv(2, 0,   0, 128)  'white (settings)
        led.ihsv(3, 5, 255, 128)  'red (set alarm)
        led.ihsv(4, 110, 254, 96) 'green (timer / stopwatch)
        led.ihsv(5, 37, 254, 96)  'yellow (set date / time)
        led.ihsv(6, 240, 255, 128)'blue (system menu)
        LED.blackout() ' turn off all LEDs
    ' Version
        LED.iled(2, 30 + read 10, 2)
        LED.iled(2, 40 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, 2)
        delay 2000
        if IO.keystate() = 1 then gosub 8000
    ' EEPROM Output to Terminal
        gosub 8050
    ' c = colour, m = mode, t = temp, i = loop, j = counter, r = temp,
    ' x = alarm silenced, z = counter, h = hue, v = brightness, b = brightness subtraction
    ' l = transition brightness, u = last second shown for fade
    '==== STARTUP ===================================
        r = IO.eeread(10)   ' Read Offset Value
        if (IO.eeread(11)) = 0 then r = r * -1 ' negativ cycles
        IO.sys(99, r)
        b = 0  ' brightness subtraction
        l = 0  ' Transition brightness
        u = 11 ' Last second shown
        j = 59 ' Initial LED location for seconds flip
        m = 0  ' Initially in time display
        x = 0  ' Alarm not silenced
        goto 190
    '==== MAIN LOOP =================================
        t = IO.getenc()  ' Read Encoder
        if t = c then goto 105
        c = t            ' color set (knob turned)
        z = 0            ' counter reset
        a = IO.getrtc(2) ' hours
        s = IO.getrtc(1) ' minutes
        r = IO.getrtc(0) ' seconds
        if r = 0 then x = 0 ' reset alarm silencer
        if (IO.eeread(5)) = 1 and x = 0 and (IO.eeread(6)) = a and (IO.eeread(7)) = s then gosub 9105 ' alarm so ringing
        if s % 10 = 4 or s % 10 = 8 and r = 2 and m = 0 and (IO.eeread(13)) = 1 then gosub 4000 ' random (slot machine)
        if s % 10 = 1 or s % 10 = 4 or s % 10 = 7 and m = 0 and (IO.eeread(9)) = 1 and r = 2 goto 2900 ' party mode now only at min 1 + 4 + 7
    '   if s % 10 = 1 or s % 10 = 3 or s % 10 = 5 or s % 10 = 7 or s % 10 = 9 and m = 0 and (IO.eeread(9)) = 1 and r = 2 goto 2900 ' party mode original (starts at min 1,3,5,7,9 - exchange this one with the obove for more action
        if m = 0 and r = 50 and (IO.eeread(8)) = 1 goto 180 ' date auto display
        if s % 10 = 2 or s % 10 = 6 and (IO.eeread(5)) = 1 and r = 2 gosub 700 ' show alarm time
        gosub 9000         ' Get key. 0 = none 1 = short press 2 = long press
        if k = 0 then goto 200 ' do nothing
        if k = 1 then goto 110 ' short press: change display mode
        if k = 2 and m = 1 then goto 10100 ' system menu
        if k = 2 then goto 10000 ' settings menu
        goto 100 ' shouldn't ever be reached but will re-cycle if so
        gosub 9100         ' BEEP
        if m = 0 then goto 180 ' change time to date display
        if m = 1 then goto 185 ' change date to time display
        goto 100 ' shouldn't ever be reached but will recycle
    180: ' change from time to date display
        if (IO.eeread(m + 1)) <> c then IO.eewrite(m + 1, c)' saves current time colour to EEPROM
        m = 1               ' change to date mode
        if k = 1 then x = 1 ' silence alarm when spinner pressed
        goto 190            ' done
    185: ' change from date to time display
        if (IO.eeread(m + 1)) <> c then IO.eewrite(m + 1, c)' saves current date display to EEPROM
        m = 0               ' mode change to time
    190: 'NB: also entry point from start
        c = IO.eeread(m + 1) ' sets colour from eeprom
        IO.setenc(c, 14, 0)  ' set spinner to 15 colour options + wraparound
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        if z & 15 <> 0 then goto 210 ' only check brightness and offset once per 15 cycles
        i = IO.getldr() + IO.eeread(12) ' measured brightness + minimum overall brightness
        if i > 254 then i = 254 ' do not exceed max brightness
        if (IO.eeread(4)) = 0 then v = i else v = read 30, IO.eeread(4)' Set brightness from auto or EEPROM
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' Clear display
        if m <> 0 then goto 220 ' If date mode, skip time display
        gosub 500      ' Show time - set LEDs     ' Show time - show LEDs
        goto 100       ' Back to beginning of loop
        if m <> 1 then goto 100 ' If not date mode, re-enter loop
        gosub 600      ' SHOW DATE - set LEDs     ' Show date - show LEDs
        if z > 120 then goto 185  ' Return to TIME display after ca. 3sec
        goto 100 ' Back to beginning of loop
    ' handle flip fade animation
        if g = 0 then goto 410
        b = v - l ' set the subtraction value to our transition brightness
        if p <> 0 or n <> 0 or (IO.eeread(14)) = 1 gosub 1000
        b = l
        n = i
        if p <> 0 or n <> 0 or (IO.eeread(14)) = 1 gosub 1000
        b = 0
    ' SHOW TIME routine
    ' VAR: n, p, j
        g = 0
        s = IO.getrtc(0) ' seconds
        if s % 10 = 9 and (IO.eeread(15)) = 1 then goto 510  ' seconds flip
        if (IO.eeread(17)) > 0 and (IO.eeread(15)) = 0 then g = 1 ' digit fade if not second flip
        n = s % 10
        p = 50
        ' calculate the flip brightness even if we're not using it
        if u <> n then l = 0
        if u <> n then u = n
        i = 6 - IO.eeread(17) ' fade value
        l = l + 1 + i * (v / 25)  ' increase the level of transition brightness
        if l > v then l = v   ' don't increase the level beyond the set brightness
        ' finished calculating brightness
        i = n - 1
        if i < 0 then i = 9
        gosub 400        ' display seconds 1s
        if g = 1 and s % 10 = 0 then g = 1 else g = 0' 10s seconds flip if our 1s is a 0
        n = s / 10
        p = 40
        i = n - 1
        if i < 0 then i = 5
        gosub 400        ' display seconds 10s
        j = 59
        goto 520          ' to minutes
        n = s / 10        ' Seconds Flip routine
        p = 40
        gosub 1000        ' Seconds 10
        n = j % 10
        p = 50
        gosub 1000        ' Seconds 1
        j = j - 1
        delay 98          ' approx 0.1 seconds between flips
        if g = 1 and s / 10 = 0 then g = 1 else g = 0 'decide if we need to fade this number
        s = IO.getrtc(1)  ' Minutes
        n = s % 10
        p = 30
        i = n - 1
        if i < 0 then i = 9
        gosub 400        ' Minutes 1
        if g = 1 and s % 10 = 0 then g = 1 else g = 0 'decide if we need to fade this number
        n = s / 10
        p = 20
        i = n - 1
        if i < 0 then i = 5
        gosub 400        ' Minutes 10
        if g = 1 and s / 10 = 0 then g = 1 else g = 0 'decide if we need to fade this number
        if (IO.eeread(14)) = 0 and a > 12 then a = a - 12 ' 12 hour clock, hours 13-23 changed to 1-11
        if (IO.eeread(14)) = 0 and a = 0 then a = 12  ' 12 hour clock, hour 0 = 12
        n = a % 10
        p = 10
        i = n - 1
        if i < 0 then i = 9
        if (IO.eeread(14)) = 0 and a / 10 = 0 and n = 1 then i = 2 ' roll to 1:00
        if (IO.eeread(14)) = 1 and a / 10 = 0 and n = 0 then i = 3 ' roll to 0:00
        gosub 400        ' Hours 1
        i = 0 ' figure out if we need to flip the time
        if (IO.eeread(14)) = 0 and a / 10 = 0 and a % 10 = 1 then i = 1 ' we need to handle the rollover to 1:00
        if (IO.eeread(14)) = 1 and a / 10 = 0 and a % 10 = 0 then i = 1 ' we need to handle the rollover to 0:00
        if g = 1 and i = 1 then g = 1 else g = 0 ' 10s hours flip if our 1s minute is a 0
        n = a / 10
        p = 0
        i = n - 1
        if i < 0 and (IO.eeread(14)) = 0 then i = 1
        if i < 0 and (IO.eeread(14)) = 1 then i = 2
        gosub 400        ' Hours 10
        z = z + 1
    ' VAR: n, p
        s = IO.getrtc(3)  'day
        n = s / 10
        p = (IO.eeread(16)) * 20 ' Ddmmyy, mmDdyy, yymmDd (IO.eeread(16))=0,1,2
        gosub 1000        ' Day 10s
        n = s % 10
        p = (IO.eeread(16)) * 20 + 10 ' dDmmyy, mmdDyy, yymmdD (IO.eeread(16))=0,1,2
        gosub 1000        ' Day units
        s = IO.getrtc(4)  'month
        n = s / 10
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 1 then p = 0 else p = 20 ' Mmddyy, ddMmyy / yyMmdd
        gosub 1000        ' Month 10s
        n = s % 10
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 1 then p = 10 else p = 30 ' mMddyy, ddmMyy / yymMdd
        gosub 1000        ' Month units
        s = IO.getrtc(5)  ' year
        n = (s % 100) / 10 ' 2 digit year
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 2 then p = 0 else p = 40 ' Yymmdd, ddmmYy / mmddYy
        gosub 1000        ' Year 10s
        n = s % 10
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 2 then p = 10 else p = 50 ' yYmmdd, ddmmyY/mmddyY
        gosub 1000        ' Year units
        z = z + 1
    ' SHOW Alarm
    ' VAR: n, p, s, i
        if (IO.eeread(5)) = 1 and (IO.eeread(6)) = a and (IO.eeread(7)) = s then return ' alarm ringing so don't display alarm time
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        s = IO.eeread(6)
        for i = 50 downto 10 step 10
         LED.iled(3, i + read 10, s / 10)
         delay 200
         LED.iled(0, i + read 10, s / 10)
        next i
        LED.iled(3,     read 10, s / 10)
        for i = 50 downto 20 step 10
         LED.iled(3, i + read 10, s % 10) ' display
         delay 200 ' cycle 1/5 second
         LED.iled(0, i + read 10, s % 10)
        next i
        LED.iled(3, 10 + read 10, s % 10)
        s = IO.eeread(7)  ' alarm minutes
        for i = 50 downto 30 step 10
         LED.iled(3, i + read 10, s / 10)
         delay 200
         LED.iled(0, i + read 10, s / 10)
        next i
        LED.iled(3,20 + read 10, s / 10)
        for i = 50 downto 40 step 10
         LED.iled(3, i + read 10, s % 10)
         delay 200
         LED.iled(0, i + read 10, s % 10)
        next i
        LED.iled(3, 30 + read 10, s % 10)
        delay 200
        LED.iled(3, 50 + read 10,0)
        delay 200
        LED.iled(0, 50 + read 10,0)
        LED.iled(3, 40 + read 10,0)
        delay 200
        LED.iled(3, 50 + read 10,0)
        delay 1500
    ' Character display routine for date / time (using set colour mode)
        t = read 20, c ' read colour value from index
        if t > 360 then goto 1010
        LED.ihsv(1, t, 255, v - b) ' set "standard 1 colour" at brightness V
        goto 1090
        if t <> 1000 then goto 1015 ' position 10 = white
        LED.ihsv(1, 0, 0, v - b)
        goto 1090
        if t <> 1001 then goto 1020 ' position 11 = incandecent
        LED.ihsv(1, 25, 205, v - b)
        goto 1090
        if t <> 1002 then goto 1030 ' position 12 = multi-colour
        LED.ihsv(1, h, 255, v - b)
        h = (p * 6 + z) % 360 ' set "standard 1" as 6* position + counter mod 360
        goto 1090
        if t <> 1003 then goto 1040 ' position 13 = gently cycling
        LED.ihsv(1, h, 255, v - b) ' set "standard 1" as counter/4 mod 360
        h = (z / 4) % 360
        goto 1090
        'we assume t = 1004 = position 14 = gently cycling 2
        led.ihsv(1, h, 255, v - b)
        h = ((2 * z) + (2 * (50 - p))) % 360
        LED.iled(1, p + read 10, n) ' show character
    ' party mode
        if (IO.eeread(5)) = 1 and (IO.eeread(6)) = a and (IO.eeread(7)) = s then goto 100 ' alarm ringing so abort
        i = random ' generates a number between 0 und 32767 choose one of animations at random otherwise select a number which leads to the section (for example 8192 for Effect 1)
        if i <= 4096 then gosub 3000 ' party mode effect 0 - pixels turning off and on at random, random colours
        if i > 4096 and i <= 8192 then gosub 3100 ' party mode effect 1 - two pixels of two random colours cycling and crossing each other
        if i > 8192 and i <= 12288 then gosub 3200 ' party mode effect 2 - two pairs of two pixels cycling and crossing each other
        if i > 12288 and i <= 16384 then gosub 3300 ' party mode effect 3 - 6 sweeps of random colour, increasing in change per sweep
        if i > 16484 and i <= 20480 then gosub 3400 ' party mode effect 4 - "turbulent" rainbow over all pixels, speeding up
        if i > 20480 and i <= 24576 then gosub 3500 ' party mode effect 5 - all pixels solid varying, varying in brightness. (turned off)
        if i > 24576 and i <= 28672 then gosub 3600 ' party mode effect 6 - TV white flash (turned off)
        if i > 28672 then gosub 3700 ' party mode effect 7 - cycling through all LEDs 0-59 in increasing colours (turned off)
        k = IO.getkey() ' key reset if pressed during Party
        goto 100 ' main loop
    3000: ' pixels turning off and on at random, random colours
           v=3 ' v = brightness
         for n = 1 to 300
            r = random % 360 ' colour
            a = random % 60  ' position
            led.lhsv(a, r, 255, v)    ' set colour
            if a - 1 >= 0 then LED.iled(0, a - 1) ' turn off pixel below current
            delay 50
         next n
    3100: ' two pixels of two random colours cycling and crossing each other
        for n = 1 to 2 ' n= numbers of turns n default value = 3
        a = Random % 360
        r = Random % 360
        if a = r then goto 3110
            for i = 0 to 60
                led.lhsv(i, a, 255, v)       ' Colour
                led.lhsv(60 - i, r, 255, v) ' Colour
               delay 80
            next i
        next n
    3200: ' two pairs of two pixels cycling and crossing each other
        a = Random % 360
        r = Random % 360
        n = Random % 360
        z = Random % 360
        for i = 0 to 60 'i default value = 249
            led.lhsv(i % 60, z, 255, v)
            led.lhsv(60 - ((i + 1) % 60), a, 255, v)
            led.lhsv((i + 9) % 60, r, 255, v)
            led.lhsv(60 - ((i + 10) % 60), n, 255, v)
            delay 80
        next i
    3300: ' 6 sweeps of random colour, increasing in change per sweep
        v = 3
        z = Random % 360
        for n = 0 to 4 ' default value of turns = 0 to 5
          for i = 60 downto 0
          if n % 2 = 0 then led.lhsv(i, (z + n * i) % 360, 255, v) else led.lhsv(60 - i,(z + n * i) % 360, 255, v)

          next i
        next n
    3400: ' "turbulent" rainbow over all pixels, speeding up
        v = 2 'contrast - Low value is low contrast (10 beeing very bright)
        h = random % 360
        for i = 1 to 250 ' i= turns (default was 500)
        LED.rainbow(h, 255, v, 0, 60, 3)
        h = (h + i / 10) % 360
        next i
    3500: ' all pixels solid varying, varying in brightness.
    ' ------- module turned off !!! to activate just remove the next line -----
    ' ------- module turned off !!! to activate just remove the above line -----
        for z = 1 to 350
        i = random % 100
        if i < 75 goto 3565
        h = ((random % 256) * v) / 256
        LED.ihsv(9,(i * h) % 360, 255, h)
        next z
    3600: ' all pixels white, varying in brightness.(TV mode)
    ' ------- module turned off !!! to activate just remove the next line -----
    ' ------- module turned off !!! to activate just remove the above line -----
          for z = 1 to 350
          i = random % 100
          if i < 75 goto 3665
          h = ((random % 256) * v) / 256
          LED.ihsv(9, 0, 0, h)

          next z
    3700: ' cycling through all LEDs 0-59 in increasing colours
    ' ------- module turned off !!! to activate just remove the next line -----
    ' ------- module turned off !!! to activate just remove the above line -----
        g = 0 'Test variable, to exit routine
    3701: 'Pixel counter index
        data 5, 0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4,
        data 15, 10, 16, 11, 17, 12, 18, 13, 19, 14,
        data 25, 20, 26, 21, 27, 22, 28, 23, 29, 24,
        data 35, 30, 36, 31, 37, 32, 38, 33, 39, 34,
        data 45, 40, 46, 41, 47, 42, 48, 43, 49, 44,
        data 55, 50, 56, 51, 57, 52, 58, 53, 59, 54,
    3702: 'Main loop
        for i = 1 to 59
         led.ihsv(1,((i + g) * 7) % 360,255,v)
         LED.iled(1,read 3701,i)
         g = g + 1
         next i ' cycle through colours
        if g < 450 goto 3702 ' continue for 10ish seconds
    ' SHOW Slot machine
    ' VAR: s, n, p, i
        if (IO.eeread(5)) = 1 and (IO.eeread(6)) = a and (IO.eeread(7)) = s then return ' alarm sounding so quit
        for i = 1 to 100
         LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank
         s = random
         n = s % 10 ' random number between 0 and 9
         p = 40
         gosub 1000        ' 10s Seconds
         n = ((s % 100)/10) + 1 ' random number between 1 and 10?
         p = 50
         gosub 1000        ' Seconds 1s
         n = (s % 1000)/100
         p = 20
         gosub 1000        ' Minutes 10s
         n = (s % 100)/10
         p = 30
         gosub 1000        ' Minutes 1s
         n = (s % 10000)/1000
         p = 0
         gosub 1000        ' Hours 10s
         n = ((s % 1000)/100) + 1
         p = 10
         gosub 1000        ' Hours 1s
         z = z + 4 ' colour cycling
         delay 10 + i * 2 ' increasingly slow as time goes on
        next i
        s = IO.getrtc(1) ' temporarily used for random number, reset as minutes
        k = IO.getkey() ' key reset if pressed during Slot machine
        print "Resetting EEPROM..."
        print " "
        IO.eewrite(1, 11)            ' 1 = Time Colour (11)
        IO.eewrite(2, 5)             ' 2 = Date Colour (5)
        IO.eewrite(3, 1)             ' 3 = Beep (1)
        IO.eewrite(4, 12)            ' 4 = Brightness (12)
        IO.eewrite(5, 0)             ' 5 = Alarm (0)
        IO.eewrite(6, 12)            ' 6 = Alarm Hour (12)
        IO.eewrite(7, 0)             ' 7 = Alarm Minute (0)
        IO.eewrite(8, 0)             ' 8 = Auto Display Date (0)
        IO.eewrite(9, 0)             ' 9 = Party Mode (0)
        IO.eewrite(10, 0)            ' 10 = Time Offset (0)
        IO.eewrite(11, 1)            ' 11 = Time Offset Pos/Neg (1)
        IO.eewrite(12, 2)            ' 12 = Min Brightness in Auto (2)
        IO.eewrite(13, 0)            ' 13 = Slot Machine (0)
        IO.eewrite(14, 1)            ' 14 = 24 Hour Clock (1)
        IO.eewrite(15, 0)            ' 15 = Seconds flip (0)
        IO.eewrite(16, 0)            ' 16 = Date format (0)
        IO.eewrite(17, 3)            ' 17 = Digits fade (5)
        print "EEPROM reset."
        print " "
        delay 500
    ' Print out EEPROM to Terminal
        print "           LED-NIXIE Clock"
        print "by Vanessa, partially from Doug and Jon"
        for i = 1 to 17   ' EEPROM data output
        t = IO.eeread(i)
        print "EEP[";i;"] = ";t
        next i
    ' GETKEY
    ' VAR: k, i, RET: k
    ' k: 0 = No Key, 1 = Short, 2 = LONG press
        k = IO.getkey()
        if k = 0 then goto 9020
        i = 0
        k = IO.keystate()
        if k = 0 then goto 9015
        delay 10
        i = i + 1
        if i < 50 then goto 9010
        k = 2
        k = 1        ' SHORT PRESS
    ' BEEP
        if (IO.eeread(3)) = 0 then goto 9110 ' no beep if set silent
    9105: ' actual beep
        delay 25
    ' Settings menu
    ' VAR p: position, t: temp, y: value
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        p = 0
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(p, 9, 0) ' Set Encoder (Spinner) to give 0-9 positions
        t = IO.getenc()    ' Read Encoder
        if t = p then goto 10020
        p = t
        z = 0              ' counter reset
        gosub 9000         ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 10050
        if k = 1 then goto 10060
        gosub 9100         ' BEEP. K = 2 so long press so exit
        goto 99            ' long press so exit
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank all the pixels
        if z & 15 < 11 then LED.iled(2, read 10, p) ' White first pixel number flashes.
        z = z + 1
        if z > 300 then goto 99    ' Time-out, back to time display
        goto 10010
        if p = 0 then goto 12000 ' F0: Beep on/off
        if p = 1 then goto 12400 ' F1: 12/24 hour time display
        if p = 2 then goto 13000 ' F2: Time set
        if p = 3 then goto 12600 ' F3: Date format
        if p = 4 then goto 14000 ' F4: Date set
        if p = 5 then goto 15000 ' F5: Alarm on / off
        if p = 6 then goto 16000 ' F6: Alarm time set
        if p = 7 then goto 17000 ' F7: Auto date display on / off
        if p = 8 then goto 18000 ' F8: Timer
        if p = 9 then goto 19000 ' F9: Stopwatch
        goto 10010
    ' System menu
    ' VAR p: position, t: temp, y: value
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        p = 0
        z = 0 ' counter
        IO.setenc(p, 7, 0) ' 0-7 options
        t = IO.getenc()    ' Read Encoder
        if t = p then goto 10120
        p = t
        z = 0              ' counter reset
        gosub 9000         ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 10150
        if k = 1 then goto 10160
        gosub 9100         ' BEEP
        goto 99            ' long press so exit
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out pixels
        if z & 15 < 11 then LED.iled(6, read 10, p) ' Blue menu option Flashing
        z = z + 1
        if z > 300 then goto 99    ' RETURN if timed out
        goto 10110
        if p = 0 then goto 11000 ' S0: Brightness
        if p = 1 then goto 11200 ' S1: Minimum brightness on auto
        if p = 2 then goto 12100 ' S2: Time offset polarity
        if p = 3 then goto 11100 ' S3: Time offset n cycles per 32 sek.
        if p = 4 then goto 20000 ' S4: Party mode on/off
        if p = 5 then goto 12200 ' S5: Slot machine on/off
        if p = 6 then goto 12500 ' S6: Seconds flip on/off
        if p = 7 then goto 15100 ' S7: Digit fade
        'if p = 8 then goto 19000 ' S8:
        'if p = 9 then goto 20000 ' S9:
        goto 10110
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100          ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(4)    ' Read Brightness Value from EEPROM
        z = 0               ' counter
        IO.setenc(y, 15, 0) ' 15 brightness values
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 11020
        y = t
        z = 0                ' movement so reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 11050
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto  11070       ' short press
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank everything
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 11060 ' (flashing)
        LED.iled(2, 40 + read 10, y / 10) ' brightness display 10s
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y % 10) ' brightness units
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 0) ' show in System 0 i.e. brightness
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 11010 ' timeout
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(4)) then IO.eewrite(4, y) ' Write Brightness Value
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu
    ' S3: Time offset n cycles per 32 sek.
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100          ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(10)   ' Read Offset Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 510, 0) ' choices 0-510
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 11120
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 11150
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto  11170       ' short click I assume
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank display
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 11160 ' light pixels only 10 in 15 cycles'
        LED.iled(2, 30 + read 10, y / 100) ' light setting 100s
        LED.iled(2, 40 + read 10, (y / 10) % 10)  ' light setting 10s
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y % 10)  ' light setting units
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 3) ' set first pixel blue 3 to indicate menu place
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 11110 ' timeout
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(10)) then IO.eewrite(10, y) ' Write Offset Value to EE
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu
    ' S1: MIN BRIGHTNESS for Auto Brightness
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100          ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(12)    ' Read Min Brightness Value from EEPROM
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 15, 0)  ' range from 0 to 15
        t = (IO.getenc())
        if t = y then goto 11220
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 11250
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP, short press one assumes
        goto  11270
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 11260 ' light pixels for 10 in 15 cycles
        t = y
        LED.iled(2, 40 + read 10, t / 10) ' min brightness 10s
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, t % 10) ' min brightness units
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 1)    ' system menu blue, 1st pos
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 11210 ' time out
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(12)) then IO.eewrite(12, y) ' Write Min Brightness Value
        goto 10105
    ' F0: BEEP SETUP on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(3)  ' Read Beep Setting
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0) ' between 0 and 1
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 12020
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 12050 ' no key
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP short press
        goto  12070
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' black out LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 12060 ' light pixel for 10 / 15 cycles (flash)
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(3, read 10, 0) ' settings menu 0th option
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 12010 ' timeout
        goto 10005 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(3)) then IO.eewrite(3, y) ' Write Beep Value
        goto 10005
    ' S2: TIME OFFSET polarity
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(11) ' Read offset polarity from EEPROM
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0) ' 0 - 1
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 12120
        y = t
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 12150 ' no key
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP short press
        goto  12170
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank pixels
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 12160 'light pixels 10 cycles in 15
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 2) ' blue (system menu) option 2
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 12110 ' time out
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(11)) then IO.eewrite(11, y) ' Write offset polarity
        goto 10105
    ' S5: Slot machine on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(13)  ' Read Slot Machine Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0) 'options on, off
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 12220
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 12250
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP key pressed
        goto  12270
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' black out LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 12260 ' light LEDs 10 in 15 cycles
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 5) ' System menu option 5
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 12210 ' timeout
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(13)) then IO.eewrite(13, y) ' Write slot machine value
        goto 10105
    ' F1: 24 Hour Clock on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(14)  ' Read Slot Machine Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0) ' two options
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 12420
        y = t
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 12450
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP key pressed
        goto  12470
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 12460
        t = y + 1 '1 if 12 hour, 2 if 24 hour
        LED.iled(2, 40 + read 10, t) ' 1 or 2
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, 2 * t) ' 2 or 4
        LED.iled(3, read 10, 1) ' Settings menu, option 1
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 12410 ' time out
        goto 10005 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(14)) then IO.eewrite(14, y) ' Write 12 hour clock Value
        goto 10005
    ' S6: Second flip on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(15) ' Read Second Flip Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0) ' two options
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 12520
        y = t
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 12550 ' no key
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP, key
        goto  12570
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 12560 ' light pixel 10 out of 15 cycles
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 6) ' 6th option in blue System menu
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 12510
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(15)) then IO.eewrite(15, y) ' Write Seconds flip Value
        goto 10105
    ' F3: Date format
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(16)  ' Read Date Format Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 2, 0) ' three options
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 12620
        y = t
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 12650 ' no key
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP, key
        goto  12670
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 12660 ' light pixel 10 out of 15 cycles
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(3, read 10, 3) ' 3rd option in red Settings menu
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 12610 ' time out
        goto 10005 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(16)) then IO.eewrite(16, y) ' Write date format Value
        goto 10005
    ' F2: TIME SET
    ' VAR: w,x,y,t,z,k
        y = IO.getrtc(2)  ' Read Hour
        x = IO.getrtc(1)  ' Read Minute
        w = 0             ' Second = 0
    13005: ' hours
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 23, 0) ' 0-23 wraparound
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 13020
        y = t
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 13100 ' short press > minutes
        if k = 2 then goto 13300 ' long press > save, exit
    13050: ' no key pressed
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 13060 ' only light 1st 2 pixels 10 / 15 cycles
        LED.iled(2,      read 10, y / 10) ' hours 10s, white
        LED.iled(2, 10 + read 10, y % 10) ' hours units, white
        LED.iled(5, 20 + read 10, x / 10) ' minutes 10s, yellow
        LED.iled(5, 30 + read 10, x % 10) ' minutes units, yellow
        LED.iled(5, 40 + read 10, (w * 5) / 10) ' seconds 10s, yellow
        LED.iled(5, 50 + read 10, (w * 5) % 10) ' seconds units, yellow
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 13010    ' time out
        goto 13320
    13100: ' minutes
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(x, 59, 0) ' 0 - 59 wraparound
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = x then goto 13120
        x = t
        z = 0 ' reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 13200 ' short press > seconds
        if k = 2 then goto 13300 ' long press > save, exit
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 13160 ' only show minutes 10 / 15 cycles
        LED.iled(2, 20 + read 10, x / 10) ' minutes, 10s, white
        LED.iled(2, 30 + read 10, x % 10) ' minutes, units, white
        LED.iled(5,      read 10, y / 10) ' hours, 10s, yellow, constant
        LED.iled(5, 10 + read 10, y % 10) ' hours, units, yellow, constant
        LED.iled(5, 40 + read 10, (w * 5) / 10) 'seconds, 10s, yellow, constant
        LED.iled(5, 50 + read 10, (w * 5) % 10) 'seconds, units, yellow, constant
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 13110    ' timeout
        goto 13320
    13200: ' seconds
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(w, 11, 0) ' 0 - 55 in 5 second increments, wraparound
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = w then goto 13220
        w = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 13005 ' short click > hours
        if k = 2 then goto 13300 ' long click > save, exit
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 13260 ' only light seconds 10 / 15 cycles
        LED.iled(2, 40 + read 10, (w * 5) / 10) ' seconds 10s white
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, (w * 5) % 10) ' seconds units white
        LED.iled(5,      read 10, y / 10) ' hours 10s yellow constant
        LED.iled(5, 10 + read 10, y % 10) ' hours units yellow constant
        LED.iled(5, 20 + read 10, x / 10) ' minutes 10s yellow constant
        LED.iled(5, 30 + read 10, x % 10) ' minutes units yellow constant
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 13210    ' time out
        goto 13320
    13300: ' save, exit
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        IO.setrtc(0, w * 5)    ' Write Seconds
        IO.setrtc(1, x)        ' Write Minutes
        IO.setrtc(2, y)        ' Write Hours
        goto 10005 ' return to settings menu
    ' F4: DATE SETUP
    ' VAR: w,x,y,t,z,k
        y = (IO.getrtc(3)) - 1    ' Read Day
        x = (IO.getrtc(4)) - 1    ' Read Month
        w = (IO.getrtc(5)) % 100  ' Read Year
    14005: ' days
        gosub 9100                ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 30, 0)  ' day 1-31
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 14020
        y = t
        z = 0 ' counter reset
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 14100 ' short push, go to month
        if k = 2 then goto 14300 ' long push, save and exit
    14050: ' flashing LEDs
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out LEDs
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 14060 ' show LEDs in 10 out of every 15 cycles (flash)
        r = (IO.eeread(16)) * 20' day position depending on date format
        LED.iled(2, r + read 10, (y + 1) / 10) ' days 10s
        LED.iled(2, r + 10 + read 10, (y + 1) % 10) ' days units
    14060: ' static LEDs
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 1 then r = 0 else r = 20  ' month position depending on format
        LED.iled(5, r + read 10, (x + 1) / 10) ' month 10s
        LED.iled(5, r + 10 + read 10, (x + 1) % 10) ' month units
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 2 then r = 0 else r = 40 ' year position depending on format
        LED.iled(5, r + read 10, w / 10) ' year tens
        LED.iled(5, r + 10 + read 10, w % 10) ' years units
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 14010    ' time out
        goto 14320 ' exit
    14100: ' months
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(x, 11, 0) ' 12 months
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = x then goto 14120
        x = t
        z = 0 ' reset timeout timer
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 14200 ' short press > years
        if k = 2 then goto 14300
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 14160
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 1 then r = 0 else r = 20
        LED.iled(2, r + read 10, (x + 1) / 10) ' months 10s depending on date format
        LED.iled(2, r + 10 + read 10, (x + 1) % 10) ' months units  depending on date format
        r = (IO.eeread(16)) * 20' day position depending on date format
        LED.iled(5, r + read 10, (y + 1) / 10) ' day 10s
        LED.iled(5, r + 10 + read 10, (y + 1) % 10) ' day units
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 2 then r = 0 else r = 40 ' year position depending on format
        LED.iled(5, r + read 10, w / 10)
        LED.iled(5, r + 10 + read 10, w % 10)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 14110    ' time out check
        goto 14320 ' exit
    14200: ' years
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(w, 99, 0) ' 2000 - 2099
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = w then goto 14220
        w = t
        z = 0 ' reset timeout counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 14005 ' short press = back to days
        if k = 2 then goto 14300 ' long press = save and exit
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank out
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 14260 ' display 10 cycles out of 15 (flash)
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 2 then r = 0 else r = 40 ' year position depending on format
        LED.iled(2, r + read 10, w / 10)
        LED.iled(2, r + 10 + read 10, w % 10)
    14260: ' display solid
        r = (IO.eeread(16)) * 20' day position depending on date format
        LED.iled(5, r + read 10, (y + 1) / 10)
        LED.iled(5, r + 10 + read 10, (y + 1) % 10)
        if (IO.eeread(16)) = 1 then r = 0 else r = 20 ' month position depending on date format
        LED.iled(5, r + read 10, (x + 1) / 10)
        LED.iled(5, r + 10 + read 10, (x + 1) % 10)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 14210    ' time out check
        goto 14320 ' exit
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        r = w + 2000 ' year in 4 digits
        if x = 1 and r % 4 = 0 and y > 28 then goto 14330 ' 30/31 days in Feb in leap year. forget year 2000!
        if x = 1 and r % 4 <> 0 and y > 27 then goto 14330 ' 29 / 30 / 31 days Feb non-leap year
    14305: ' months with 30 days
        data 3, 5, 8, 10
        for i = 0 to 3
          if x = read 14305,i and y > 29 then goto 14330 ' 31 days in months with 30 days
        next i
    14310: ' set date
        IO.setrtc(5, w + 2000)     ' Write Year
        IO.setrtc(4, x + 1)        ' Write Month
        IO.setrtc(3, y + 1)        ' Write Day
    14320: ' exit
        goto 10005
    14330: ' non-sane date
        for r = 1 to 15 ' non-sane days in month
        gosub 9100 ' beep 100 times
        next r
        goto 14005 ' return to day setting
    ' F5: ALARM on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(5)  ' Read alarm Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 15020
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 15050
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto  15070
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 15060
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(3, read 10, 5)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 15010
        goto 10005 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(5)) then IO.eewrite(5, y) ' Read alarm Value
        goto 10005
    ' S7: DIGIT FADE
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100          ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(17)   ' Read Digit fade Value from EEPROM
        z = 0               ' counter
        IO.setenc(y, 5, 0)  ' 5 fade values
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 15120
        y = t
        z = 0                ' movement so reset counter
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 15150
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto  15170       ' short press
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59) ' blank everything
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 15160 ' (flashing)
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y) ' fade units
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 7) ' show in System 7 i.e. fade
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 15110 ' timeout
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(17)) then IO.eewrite(17, y) ' Write fade Value
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu
    ' F6: ALARM Time set
    ' VAR: w,x,y,t,z,k
        y = IO.eeread(6)  ' Read alarm Hour
        x = IO.eeread(7)  ' Read alarm Minute
        w = 0             ' Second = 0
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 23, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 16020
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 16100
        if k = 2 then goto 16300
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 16060
        LED.iled(2,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(2, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(3, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(3, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        LED.iled(3, 40 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(3, 50 + read 10, 0)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 16010    ' 20 Sek.
        goto 16320
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(x, 59, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = x then goto 16120
        x = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 16005
        if k = 2 then goto 16300
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 16160
        LED.iled(2, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(2, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        LED.iled(3,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(3, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(3, 40 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(3, 50 + read 10, 0)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 16110    ' 20 Sek.
        goto 16320
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        if x <> (IO.eeread(7)) then IO.eewrite(7, x) ' Write alarm Minutes
        if y <> (IO.eeread(6)) then IO.eewrite(6, y) ' Write alarm Hours
        goto 10005
    ' F7: Date AutoDisplay on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(8)  ' Read auto Datum Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 17020
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 17050
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto  17070
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 17060
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(3, read 10, 7)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 17010
        goto 10005 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(8)) then IO.eewrite(8, y) ' Read auto Datum Value
        goto 10005
    ' F8: Timer set and start
    ' VAR: w,x,y,t,z,k,w,a
        y = 0  ' Timer Hour = 0
        x = 0  ' Timer Minute = 0
        w = 0  ' Timer Second = 0
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 23, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 18020
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 18100
        if k = 2 then goto 18300
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 18060
        LED.iled(2,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(2, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 40 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 50 + read 10, 0)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 18010    ' 20 Seconds.
        goto 18320
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(x, 59, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = x then goto 18120
        x = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 18005
        if k = 2 then goto 18300
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 18160
        LED.iled(2, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(2, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        LED.iled(4,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 40 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 50 + read 10, 0)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 500 then goto 18110    ' 20 Sek.
        goto 18320
    ' Timer go
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        s = IO.getrtc(0)
        t = s
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then gosub 9100 ' BEEP
        if k = 1 then goto 18315 ' start /stop
        a = IO.eeread(5)
        if a = 1 gosub 18500
        if a = 2 goto 99     ' alarm prio
        s = IO.getrtc(0)
        if s = t then goto 18205
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        LED.iled(4,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 40 + read 10, w / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 50 + read 10, w % 10)
        if w + x + y = 0 then goto 18230 ' timer end music
        w = w - 1
        if w < 0 then gosub 18210
        if x < 0 then gosub 18220
        goto 18201
        w = 59
        x = x - 1
        x = 59
        y = y - 1
        n = 0
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        t = read 40, n
        d = read 40, n + 1
        n = n + 2
        if t = 0 then goto 99 ' timer end
        LED.iled(4,      read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 10 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 20 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 30 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 40 + read 10, 0)
        LED.iled(4, 50 + read 10, 0)
        delay d
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        delay 100
        goto 18241
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        LED.irange(0, 0, 39)
        LED.iled(4,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        if x + y + w = 0 then goto 10005 ' no timer
        a = IO.eeread(5)
        if a = 1 gosub 18500
        if a = 2 goto 99  ' alarm prio
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 18315
        if k = 1 then goto 18200
        if k = 2 then goto 18320
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto 10005
    ' Alarm has priority over Timer / Stopwatch
        if (IO.eeread(6)) = (IO.getrtc(2)) and (IO.eeread(7)) = (IO.getrtc(1)) then a = 2
    ' F9: Stopwatch
    ' VAR: w,x,y,t,z,k,w,a
        y = 0  ' Stopwatch Hour = 0
        x = 0  ' Stopwatch Minute = 0
        w = 0  ' Stopwatch Second = 0
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        LED.iled(4,      read 10, y / 10) ' hours 10s
        LED.iled(4, 10 + read 10, y % 10) ' hours 1s
        LED.iled(4, 20 + read 10, x / 10) ' minutes 10s
        LED.iled(4, 30 + read 10, x % 10) ' minutes 1s
        LED.iled(4, 40 + read 10, w / 10) ' seconds 10s
        LED.iled(4, 50 + read 10, w % 10) ' seconds 1s
        w = w + 1
        goto 19300
    ' Start stopwatch
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        s = IO.getrtc(0)
        t = s
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 1 then goto 19300 ' start /stop
        a = IO.eeread(5)
        if a = 1 gosub 18500
        if a = 2 goto 99 ' alarm prio
        s = IO.getrtc(0)
        if s = t then goto 19205
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        LED.iled(4,      read 10, y / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 10 + read 10, y % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 20 + read 10, x / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 30 + read 10, x % 10)
        LED.iled(4, 40 + read 10, w / 10)
        LED.iled(4, 50 + read 10, w % 10)
        w = w + 1
        if w > 59 then gosub 19210
        if x > 59 then gosub 19220
        if w + x + y = 141 then goto 19230 ' Stopwatch exceeded max (23:59:59)
        goto 19200
        w = 0
        x = x + 1
        x = 0
        y = y + 1
        n = 0
        t = read 40, n
        d = read 40, n + 1
        n = n + 2
        if t = 0 then goto 99 ' Stopwatch exceeded max so exit
        delay d
        delay 100
        goto 19240
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        a = IO.eeread(5)
        if a = 1 gosub 18500
        if a = 2 goto 99  ' alarm prio
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 19315
        if k = 1 then goto 19195
        if k = 2 then goto 19320 ' long press
    19320: ' long press
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto 10005
    ' S4: party mode SETUP on / off
    ' VAR: y,t,z,k
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        y = IO.eeread(9)  ' Read Partymode Value
        z = 0
        IO.setenc(y, 1, 0)
        t = IO.getenc()
        if t = y then goto 20020
        y = t
        z = 0
        gosub 9000        ' GETKEY
        if k = 0 then goto 20050
        gosub 9100        ' BEEP
        goto  20070
        LED.irange(0, 0, 59)
        if z & 15 > 10 then goto 20060
        LED.iled(2, 50 + read 10, y)
        LED.iled(6, read 10, 4)
        z = z + 1
        if z <= 300 then goto 20010
        goto 10105 ' return to system menu without save
        if y <> (IO.eeread(9)) then IO.eewrite(9, y) ' Read Partymode Value
        goto 10105
    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 5 Jahre, 9 Monaten von TweakerRay.

    As suggestion: Maybe someone can programm a selection in the menues where you can select the minutes between a random party module… so you could for example easily select every 2nd minute or every 3rd … 4th minute… that would be cool. I am still learning and I don’t trust myself to mess in the menue code… because I think then I will just destroy the code 🙂 Maybe some of the more experienced programmers here could do that option ? (Wink to Vanessa 😉 )

    Cheers TweakerRay


    Hi TweakerRay,
    that is the most fantastic in LED-Basic: your fantasy. In short Time you learned a lot. So changing the menue to e.g. setting Partymode from 0 = none to 10 = 10 minutes each pattern, will sure work. You can not break something when it went wrong…. so feel free.
    Our code is only an example what can be done.

    / Vanessa


    Hallo TweakerRay,

    du hast eine Deutsche Homepage ?
    Jetzt verstehen wir auch , dass einige Effekte zu „hell“ waren.
    LED-Basic ist wie Synthesizer Sound gestalten – intuitiv…. 🙂
    Wie wärs mit einer neuen Melodie in der Uhr ?

    / Vanessa

    • Diese Antwort wurde geändert vor 5 Jahre, 9 Monaten von Vanessa.

    🙂 hab schon im manual gesehen daß man den beeper wohl ansteuern kann…
    Ich weiß nur nicht wann… vieleicht wenn man die kiste startet also an das usb anschließt und die versionsnummer kommt 😉
    hmmm… naja „deutsche Homepage“ ist übertrieben… (da die Mehrzahl meiner „Fans“ eher englisch sprachig ist).
    Naja zu hell weil die Uhr unter meinem Fernseher steht und wenn ich dort z.b.: PS4 spiele und eine helle animation kommt , lenkt die doch ganz gut ab 😉

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